
ISSMO/Springer Prize 2009

Dr. Takayuki Yamada was the recipient of 2009 ISSMO/Springer Prize for Young

The Prize was awarded to Dr. Yamada for an excellent presentation and outstanding
paper read at ISSMO’s Eight World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization (WCSMO-8) held in Lisbon, Portugal, 2009.

The title of the presentation is ” A new level set-based topology optimization method
using a fictitious interface energy model based on phase field method concepts”
coauthored with S. Nishiwaki, K Izui, M Yoshimura.

The Prize was handed over at ceremony during the General Assembly
Meeting at the WCSMO-9 in Shizuoka, Japan 2011. After Dr. Yamada gave a brief
presentation of his winning paper.