Dear ISSMO Community,
In response to multiple requests, the organizers of WCSMO-13 have extended the deadline for abstract submissions to 18 January, 2019. Please note this will be the final deadline for abstract submission. Please see the conference website and updated Call for Papers below for additional information.
Jamie Guest, Secretary General of ISSMO
Final Call for Papers
13th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-13)
Beijing, China, 20-24 May 2019.
On behalf of the International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO), we are very pleased to invite you to participate in the 13th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-13) to be held in Beijing, China, 20-24 May 2019. The abstract deadline has been extended to 18 JANUARY, 2019 (more information below).
The main objectives of the conference are to stimulate and promote research into all aspects of the structural and multidisciplinary optimization (SMO) and related topics. This includes optimization theory, algorithm development, and engineering systems involving structures, fluids, and multiple physics. It encourages practical applications of optimization methods and software development in all branches of SMO. Please visit the WCSMO-13 website for more information.
Contributions are invited from all fields of structural and multidisciplinary optimization. Papers on theories, methods, algorithms, and applications are all welcomed. The topic areas for this conference are listed as follows but other relevant areas are also welcome.
1. Optimization Algorithms
2. Shape and Size Optimization
3. Design under Uncertainty
4. Approximations and Surrogates or Meta-models
5. Design Optimization
6. Aerospace Design Optimization
7. Data-driven design and optimization
8. Automotive Design Optimization
9. CAD-FEM Integration
10. Composite Multifunctional Materials
11. Dimensionality Reduction
12. Emerging Methods and Applications
13. Evolutionary & Heuristic Optimization
14. Geometry Modelling Techniques
15. High Performance Parallel Computing and Visualization Methods
16. Inverse Problems and Parametric Identification
17. Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
18. Multi-Objective Optimization
19. Novel Methods for Modelling, Simulation, and Design
20. Optimal Control
21. Robust and Reliability-Based Design Optimization
22. Sensitivity Analysis Methods and Applications
23. Smart Structures and Materials
24. Structural Optimization
25. Topology Optimization
Abstract and Submission Guideline
Authors are invited to submit an abstract in English by 18 January, 2019. Each abstract is expected to include a brief introduction to the problem, specific methods to be developed/adopted, results for discussion and some concluding remarks. Abstract submission is now open through the WCSMO-13 website.
Review and Notification of acceptance
The final selection of papers for presentation will be made by the International Papers Committee. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the presenting authors via e-mail by approximately 15 February 2019.
Important Dates:
Open for Registration: 15 January 2019 (estimated)
Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission: 7 January 2019 18 January 2019
Notification of Accepted Abstracts: 15 February 2019
Deadline for Optional Full Length Paper Submission: 15 March 2019
Notification of Accepted Full Length Papers: 5 May 2019
Registration Deadline for Presenting Authors: 10 April 2019
Registration Deadline for Early Registration: 10 April 2019
Registration Deadline (pre-Congress) for Non-presenting Authors: 30 April 2019
Conference Dates: 20-24 May 2019