Congratulations to the winners of the ISSMO/Springer Prize 2019

The Executive Committee is delighted to announce the two outstanding papers by young researchers (under 35) presented at WCSMO-13. They are:

Mathilde Boissier, “Laser path optimization for Additive Manufacturing” with co-authors Gregoire Allaire and Christophe Tournier
Weiming Wang, “Space-Time Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing: Concurrent Optimization of Structural Layout and Fabrication Sequences” with co-authors Dirk Munro, Charlie Wang, Fred van Keulen and Jun Wu.

ISSMO congratulates Mathilde Boissier and Weiming Wang for their outstanding work. The award ceremony will be held at WCSMO-14 in 2021.

The EC would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all young researchers whose excellent work was nominated for this prestigious award, and additionally thank their nominators for highlighting their work.