Updated: Announcing 2019 ISSMO General Assembly Meeting

Dear ISSMO Members: We are pleased to announce that the ISSMO General Assembly (GA) meeting will be held at the upcoming WCSMO-13 in Beijing, China, and has been scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday, May 23, with a start time of approximately 16:00.  The GA is the biennial meeting for all ISSMO members and provides […]

Call for Nominations to ISSMO Executive Committee

Dear ISSMO Members, The ISSMO Executive Committee (EC) for the next 4 year term, 2019-2023, will be elected by electronic voting and announced at the General Assembly Meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, during WCSMO-13 in Beijing, China.  The upcoming election will identify 8 members to serve on the Executive Committee along with the current President […]

Deadline Extended: WCSMO-13 Abstracts Due January 18, 2019

Dear ISSMO Community,   In response to multiple requests, the organizers of WCSMO-13 have extended the deadline for abstract submissions to 18 January, 2019. Please note this will be the final deadline for abstract submission.   Please see the conference website www.wcsmo13.org and updated Call for Papers below for additional information.  Sincerely,  Jamie Guest, Secretary General of ISSMO […]

Announcing WCSMO-13 Website and Abstract Submission

Dear ISSMO Members:  We hope that you are looking forward to the upcoming 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-13) to be held 20-24 May, 2019, in Beijing, China. This email is to inform you that the official website for WCSMO-13 is now available at www.wcsmo13.org, and that abstract submission through the website is now open.  The […]

Announcing WCSMO-13

Dear ISSMO Members: On behalf of the ISSMO Executive Committee, it is my pleasure to announce that the 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-13) will take place in Beijing, China, 20-24 May, 2019.  ISSMO congratulates Prof. Xu Guo and his colleagues on the Local Organizing Committee for their exceptional proposal. Two proposals […]

Announcement of 2017 ISSMO/Springer Prize

Dear ISSMO Members: On behalf of ISSMO Executive Committee (EC), it is my pleasure to announce that the 2017 ISSMO/Springer Prize is awarded to Mr. Pai Liu for his paper titled “Integrated topology optimization of multi-component system considering interface behavior of interconnection based on conforming mesh and interface elements”, presented at WCSMO-12 in Braunschweig, Germany, with […]

Call for Proposals to Host WCSMO-13

Dear ISSMO Members, On behalf of ISSMO, I am pleased to forward you the Call for Proposals (CFP) to host the 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-13) to be held in 2019.  The CFP can be accessed here and has also been posted in the announcements section of the ISSMO website (www.issmo.net). Detailed proposals should […]

Call for Nominations for ISSMO/Springer Prize 2017

Dear WCSMO-12 Participant, Please find attached the call for nominations for the 2017 ISSMO/Springer Prize.  The prize is awarded to a “young” researcher (under the age of 35) and is a very important recognition of scientific merit and research excellence within our society. I encourage you to nominate a deserving young researcher for this award. The nomination should […]

WCSMO-12: Women Researchers’ Networking Lunch

Dear ISSMO Member: WCSMO-12 is less than one month away and we are happy to announce a new event to be held at this year’s Congress: The Women Researchers’ Networking Lunch.  Details and RSVP information for this event are provided below.    We would also like to take this opportunity to remind anyone interested in […]

Second Call for Papers WCSMO-12: 5-9 June 2017, Braunschweig, Germany

Second Call for Papers – Abstract Submission Open 12th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-12) Braunschweig, Germany, 5-9 June 2017. Invitation On behalf of the International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO), we are very pleased to invite you to participate in the 12th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-12) […]