Nominations ISSMO Executive Committee

Nominations are sought for individuals to serve on the Executive Committee for the next 4 year term, 2023-2027.  The candidate and the nominator must be a Full Member of ISSMO (Full Member status is achieved by attending a past WCSMO).

Call for nominations for ISSMO/SPRINGER prize 2021

The call is now open to nominate excellent papers at WCSMO-14 by researchers under the age of 35. You are all invited to consider and nominate the works that are primarily conducted and presented at the conference by the young researchers, i.e. the first author must be the nominee and supervisor(s) may be co-authors. Although […]

Announcing call for nominations for Haftka Young Investigator Award

Haftka Young Investigator Award – Call for Nominations The ISSMO Executive Committee is pleased to announce creation of a new award aimed at recognizing outstanding researchers early in their careers for achievements and promising groundbreaking research in the field of structural and multidisciplinary optimization.  This new award has been named the Haftka Young Investigator Award in […]

Congratulations to the winners of the ISSMO/Springer Prize 2019

The Executive Committee is delighted to announce the two outstanding papers by young researchers (under 35) presented at WCSMO-13. They are: Mathilde Boissier, “Laser path optimization for Additive Manufacturing” with co-authors Gregoire Allaire and Christophe Tournier Weiming Wang, “Space-Time Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing: Concurrent Optimization of Structural Layout and Fabrication Sequences” with co-authors Dirk […]

Call for WCSMO 14 Proposals

Deadline: 13 December 2019 WCSMO brings together researchers and practitioners in the field of structural and multidisciplinary optimization. Preference is given to proposals that ensure the geographical diversity. Selection criteria include: up-to-date conference facilities, affordable costs to all members of the society (including registration, hotel, travel expenses, considering also free lunches, banquet, excursions etc.), proven […]

Announcing the New ISSMO Executive Committee

Dear ISSMO Members – Thank you to all ISSMO members that participated in the election of the new Executive Committee (EC). The new EC was announced at the WCSMO-13 General Assembly and met on Thursday evening to elect officers.  On behalf of the EC, I am pleased to announce the new committee as follows: President: […]

ISSMO EC Election Now Open

Dear ISSMO Member:   We are pleased to announce that voting for the ISSMO Executive Committee (EC) Election is now open.  Voting instructions are provided below, but please note the following important points: 15 candidates have been nominated by current ISSMO members.  The candidate list may be found here, and the corresponding biographical and motivation statements here. […]