CALL for NOMINATION of MEMBERS of the ISSMO Executive Committee


of the ISSMO Executive Committee

The ISSMO Executive Committee for the next 4 year term, 2015-2019 shall be elected by electronic voting. This means that new office bearers, including a new President, will be appointed. The result will be announced at the General Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, June 9 during the WCSMO11 in Sydney, Australia, June 8-12, 2015.


Please send your nomination(s), including the name and affiliation of the nominee(s), to the Secretary General, preferably with a few words of recommendation. A candidate must be a member of ISSMO.

The nominator will have the responsibility to check with the candidate whether he/she will accept the nomination and provide a one page bio-sketch including a photo to Secretary General by May 15. A 10-20 line letter of intent or motivation may also be included in the election material. The font size must be 12 or larger.

Send your nomination(s) by email no later than May 15 to Secretary General, Helder Rodrigues at:, with Cc to ISSMO President Ole Sigmund at:

Sincerely yours,

Helder Rodrigues

Secretary General, ISSMO

PS_1: For details of e-voting and the timeline, refer to “e-Voting for new Executive Members of ISSMO,” announced on and also to be sent by a separate mail to ISSMO members.

PS_2: Relevant information from the ISSMO Constitution regarding the Executive Committee (excerpt from the constitution):
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer and five additional members which include the Past-President and the Past-Secretary-General. The members of the Executive Committee are to be elected for a four year term. Any Full Member of the Society can be nominated for the Executive Committee. A call sent via e-mail to all Full Members of ISSMO for nomination of members of a new EC should be launched six weeks before the voting process begins. Nominations, including a one page candidate bio-sketch, will be closed one week before the voting process starts. Information on nominees will be uploaded on the ISSMO home page on the day before the voting process starts. The nominator will have the responsibility to check with the candidate whether he/she will accept the nomination. The electro nic voting is to be closed at mid-night before the ISSMO General Assembly Meeting is being held. Normally eight new EC members are to be elected and thus only those ballots are valid in which exactly eight candidates are voted for. Members of the Executive Committee must represent a fair geographical distribution, reflecting the membership of the Society. No more than 50% of the Executive Committee may be from any one continent and at least three continents must be represented in this group. If only two continents would be represented on the EC on the basis of the election, then the elected candidate with the least number of votes from those two continents is replaced by the candidate with the highest number of votes from the remaining continents. The new Executive Committee takes over immediately and elects the new office bearers.

The Executive Committee is to meet at least once every two years and is to comply with all decisions at General Assembly meetings. All important decisions between meetings must be approved by the Executive Committee.