Dear colleagues and students,
I am pleased to inform you that a short-term online course on “AN INTRODUCTION TO CONTINUUM STRUCTURAL AND TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION FOR ENGINEERS” is scheduled for 17-22 August, 2023.
This short-term course aims at developing a theoretical insight in the fields of structural topology optimization, mechanics, multi-physics and computer science, along with demonstration of practical applications in design and manufacturing (automobile, aerospace and construction) industries.
The course instructor, Balaji Raghavan is a tenured Associate Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA) at Rennes in France. He conducts his research in the fields of machine learning, topology optimization and multi-scale modeling of materials in the Laboratoire de Genie Civil et Genie Mecanique (LGCM). He obtained his Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, followed by a Master of Sciences in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in High Performance Computing from the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) USA and his PhD in Advanced Mechanics from the Universite de Technologie de Compiegne (UTC) France.
Please send an email to for details on registration for the course.
Best Regards,
Subhrajit Dutta
Course Coordinator
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam India